Noche Flamenca
a short fiction byLaure Desmazières
Directed by Laure Desmazières
Produced by Bruno Nahon for Zadig.
With Kathleen Cranham, Janine Ingrid Ulfane.
Written by Laure Desmazières with the collaboration of Orhan Boztas
Director of Photography Michele Gurrieri
Sound Albert Balbastre, Renaud Bajeux
Original music Vincent Desmazières
color, 14’, 1.66, DCP, VOSTF, France/U.K. 2015
Red MX, Zeiss Ultra Primes lenses and Alura 45/200 zoom
In a quiet South London suburb, Mary Sullivan (45, English) is preparing the end-of-year show for her flamenco dance school. Her daughter Olivia, who is ill at ease but a very good dancer, is preparing, as she does every year, a solo that will be admired by all of her mother’s students. But tonight, Olivia wants to talk to Mary. She would like to go to Spain for a year and try to become a professional, but her mother has always opposed this dream. Tonight, she will dance a farruca, a technical and virtuoso dance… Well, at least she will try.
Noche flamenca is the story of a girl who shows her mother that she is not so fragile.